In order to minimize environmental impacts & pave the way for a sustainable development, integrated and specific actions need to be adopted and implemented.The core is promoting innovative services to the citizenry through the exchange of technical and government expertise,and exchange of best practice between governments & local authorities.The AIM of the project is to disseminate existing knowledge and know-how to various target groups (competent authorities,industries,decision makers,NGOs,scientific community and public) in the field of innovative techniques for the integrated solid waste management.The MAIN OBJECTIVE of the present proposal is promoting innovative services through the exchange of technical and government expertise and best practice between governments & local authorities.BUILDING WASTE SUSTAINIBILITY:NEW CAPACITIES FOR SUSTAINABLE WASTE MANAGEMENT,acronym BWS,will test a pilot project for a disposal system of solid waste management in Albania & Montenegro.In both countries (municipalities of Bushat and Kamez in Albania & Bar in Montenegro) will realize an integrated plan for waste management,that will respond to 20 communes and municipalities inhabited by around 500.000 people.The SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES of the project will be: identification and/or rehabilitation of the disposal sites to function as properly designed regional landfills;provision of modern collection equipment;initiation of a pilot recycling campaign.The project includes enforcement of reviewed by-laws,fee collection,monitoring & evaluation systems,private sector linkages & start-up machinery for pilot project in Albania & Montenegro.The project will also stimulate & strengthen associations of waste collection groups:cross border workshops & conferences will be use for practice exchange;will make use of a web site for the activities promotion and it will publish best practices book.The project will promote Environmental Education(EE) for pupils & teachers and public campaigns. The SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES are: 1) to disseminate existing knowledge and assist the community of Albania and Montenegro in understanding and implementing in the near future appropriate methodologies regarding integrated management of urban solid wastes as well as demolition debris in order to minimize environmental impacts and pave the way for a sustainable development in the coming years. 2) to raise awareness among local authorities through education of pupils and citizens on waste and its adequate treatment and, initiating of household and packaging waste selective separation process in neighborhood communities and schools. The main activities will include: WP1 - Cordination and Management activities WP2 - Communication and dissemination WP3 - Networking for the establishment of a common system for the waste management and setting up system of an integrated urban waste management WP4 - institutional capacity building WP5 - technical capacity building WP6 – Community awareness raising and mobilization The partnership involved public authorities. The Municipality Councils will be involved like decision makers on all the planning and implementation steps for the management proposal. Technical Publics will be trained on waste management: assets, contracts, and resources in place to provide for collection, reuse, recycling, recovery, treatment, and disposal. Pilot project will be test the waste management capacities of local authorities involved and will introduce environmental principles on local community. B.W.S. is an innovative project for the Municipality involved and during 30 months of activities, it will promote a real and lasting partnership between Italian and cross-border countries.