The project SMART-MED-PARKS is a 24-month project which aims at developing the Smart Parks concept in the Med Area. The cornerstone of this concept relies on the idea that: energy demand in Parks should be largely covered with local power plants. A high degree of energy self-sufficiency will allow Mediterranean Parks direct energy savings related to losses in distribution and transport network. Besides it will allow the incorporation of technologies that make use of renewable energy or waste energy sources. Three main relevant aspects will be covered throughout this project: - Energy demand - Generation technologies - Network integration/management. Partners, together with the participation of a transnational expert group, will carry out the characterization of current energy demand and facilities for generation and distribution of energy in Parks. This will allow to size and design energy facilities and technologies that better fit with demand profiles locally. The analysis in different Parks from several countries, counting on the end-users opinion, will also permit an exchange of best practices to get a high degree of energy self-sufficiency and a better integration of existing energy networks. Once finished the characterization, following a common methodology, the partnership will work on the development of a catalogue of technologies for local power plants and integration with existing energy networks, through a deep review of potential innovative technologies that satisfy energy requirements with a better performance. The catalogue will be developed under various criteria: analysis and modelling of generation and distribution technologies, energy demand reduction and consumption technologies, and control and smart metering technologies and integration with existing networks. The catalogue will be commonly approved and results will be shared with the Transnational Expert Group and transferred to other identified projects (as mentioned in further section of AF). Furthermore, the partnership will commonly work and define a specific Multi Cristeria Software Tool (from now on SW tool) to help the modelling of a Smart-park. Finally, Pilot Actions to transform a conventional Technology Park into a Smart Technology Park will be carried out in 5 selected parks. Identified technologies and SW tool will be transferred to the selected parks through pilot actions in order to improve current use of energy in Med Parks to integrate a future approach to Smart-Park model. The partnership will bring together key actors directly involved in energy efficiency sector, both at institutional and operational level, to ensure a major diffusion, and impact of activities and will create synergies with past/current projects.