A key objective of smart cities is the development and implementation of intelligent and sustainable mobility solutions. Urban areas consume up to 70% of the energy produced and transport is a leading sector consuming non renewable energy and producing the biggest amount of GHG emissions in cities (30% of total emissions). Within this context, urban freight distribution requires for innovative solutions able to rationalize and improve the efficiency of transport and to promote innovative renewable energy use, thus reducing energy consumption and associated GHG emissions while promoting economic development. The SMILE project aims to improve the energy efficiency of Mediterranean cities through the promotion of innovative -green' and cost effective solutions for urban freight logistics addressing the target of green and smart urban development. More specifically, its main lines of intervention are the following: - Modeling, measuring and assessing, at a transnational context, urban freight logistics needs, performance, energy efficiency and externalities through the adaptation and improvement of currently available models such as CityGoods (Emilia-Romagna) and FRETURB (LET Lyon). - Definition and assessment of transferable policies, strategies, plans and measures regarding innovative and energy-efficient urban transport solutions and development of a systemic approach to select the appropriate set of such measures for energy efficiency within different urban distribution contexts. - Development of a set of criteria and performance indicators, measurable by local and regional authorities, to assist them in selecting and implementing innovative renewable energy and energy efficient solutions, and monitoring their effectiveness in the short and long term. - Real testing of smart city urban logistics solutions through the development of pilot demonstration activities involving public and private actors and dealing with the implementation of electric mobility, ICT, operational and marketing tools. - Direct participation of 6 Med cities (4 of them port cities) from 5 different countries. Project supervision by a high level external Technical Committee involving academic and industry members and interaction with some key relevant international networks such as the Convenant of Mayors, Open ENLoCC, AIVP. - Extended promotion and visibility of the SMILE tools beyond the project partnership through the development of free open modeling and measuring tools, trasferable to non partner MED cities. - Intensive communication of successful strategies, policies and measures on energy efficient freight urban logistics solutions through the project website, workshops, seminars/other training activities and free logistics diagnosis tools available on the website. - Specific governance work as basis for consensus building on the developed policies through public consultations with stakeholders promoting a strong involvement, engagement and public-private cooperation.