Eleven partners connected to seven Baltic Archipelago and Islands Centres (BACES) located in the southwestern, northwestern and eastern part of the sub-programme area have after networking met and togeter developed a project for targeting cross-border experiences and growth of their respective BACES area. The partnership has different points of departure but common challenges and sees the growth dependent on the programme priorities better accessibility as well as broadened economic activities that should not affect the areas´ environment. The BACES are nodes in respective region for land and sea transports of people and goods. In the BACES areas there is lack of substantial investments for better accessibility to and between BACES. Often they also act as lively summer vacation resorts. The BACES are Arkösund, Tyrislöt, Fyrudden, Söderhamn, Hanko, Raseborg and Hiiumaa. These centres are also underdeveloped as info centres. They have too narrow and season dependent economic activities. The BACES are also suffering of diminishing population in and around the centres. To live, work and visit these centres gives opportunities to be a part of the fantastic natural and cultural environment and resource of the archipelago and islands. Although big efforts have been made for developing certain National parks, Natura 2000 sites and Baltic Sea Protection Areas (BSPA) the environmental awareness is not satisfactory and the natural environments are not fully developed. The main objectives of the BACES project are to develop strategies and solutions for better accessibility to and from the seven cooperating BACES. The project also wants to improve the availability of information on the archipelago and islands outside the region. This will be done by development and investments in Info Centres located in the BACES. The aim is also to improve economic viability of the BACES economy and products by developing the pre-conditions to make a living there. By taking these measures it is crucial to further rise the awareness for the natural environments around BACES and develop these as assets for sustainable tourism. The main expected outcomes are realised feasibility studies, common strategies and tested improved accessibility. The project also aims at creating development strategies for the BACES area economy and find and test new models and methods for economic growth. The natural environments will be developed by expert networking around protection of islands landscapes and sea environment and cooperation in the field of environmental management and nature guiding. By small scale investments in Info Centres with different cross-border character the BACES will provide good conditions for information about the archipelago and islands in the Central Baltic region. The work in the BACES project therefore is packaged in three WP´s: Accessibility - Economy - Environment that need a horizontal coordination.