There is only 1 children's hospital in Brest Region. Other children's hospitals can provide emergency assistance, children are transported to Brest in all other cases. The hospital is designed to 417 beds, 11 departments function. In 2015, treatment rendered to 30.5 thousand children, including 300 foreigners. Viability of hospitals depends on oxygen generation and distribution system. Success of surgeries (5,000 per year), operation of intensive care, nursing infants (1,000 per year), operation of the equipment in other departments depend on O2 supply. Currently O2 is delivered to the hospital in cylinders - 600 pcs/month. Every day technician manually connects the cylinders to the distribution system. It was founded in 1970, and it is in disrepair. There are threats of unexpected shutdowns and disruptions (danger of tripping devices in resuscitation), there is a risk of the system depressurization which is a threat of the emergency situation. According to the regulations, it is necessary to use 4 interchanging lines for O2 supply, but actually only 1 line functions This is a deterrent for expanding the spectrum of health services in the children's hospital, including for foreigners, to increase the number of beds, innovations introduction In 2016, palliative care department (for cureless patients) was founded in the hospital. 84 children requiring palliative care are registered in Brest Region. However, there are no funds for purchase of the equipment. Sick children are in intensive care department, expensive equipment is used that is not economically profitable. There is little experience in working with parents of such children, in collaboration with volunteers Hospital in Łosice is not able to conduct a complete early detection of neoplasma formations and cardiac diseases. To address such issues, patients have to go to the survey to other cities. Without the support of the project, there is no possibility to expand the range of medical service