Resource consumption and carbon emissions are major drivers of climate change. In order to reduce these, we have to look for alternative ways of production in agriculture, alongside other large economic players. As a highly important sector in all the countries of the NSR, agriculture could contribute significantly in developing green business strategies and fostering environmental protection, alongside economic growth.This project aims to promote resource efficiency by (re)using degraded farmland and reducing fresh water consumption. 10 open field labs will be set up in each participating region to demonstrate innovative methods of farming on saline soil with natural adaptation processes in plants and crops. Thinking green” in this way means a real change of perspective in farming and food producing, a change of behavior of the consumers of food, and, for authorities, re-thinking water management and changing policies on environment and agriculture in coastal areas.As all coastal zones have to cope with sea level rise, our shared challenge is to create awareness for salinization and offer new methods of farming across the NSR. Further to setting up ‘living labs’ in each participating country to conduct experiments with the salt tolerance of crops, we will develop training modules for farmers on saline farming and creating new business strategies. A joint asset will be the branding of our products as terroir-based quality food to support green economies across the NSR.