The project will protect and promote cultural, but also natural heritage of cross-border area of Suwałki and Grodno regions and will create new tourist products to attract more tourists to these regions. On the Polish side the heritage site to be improved is Wigry National Park and its cultural heritage – significant but insufficiently noticed and cared. On the Belarussian side - the old cemetery on Antonov street in Grodno, the oldest necropolis in whole country, which is now in a very bad condition and every year it’s being more and more damaged, meanwhile it should be one of the main tourist attractions of the city and it has a great potential for cross-border tourism, as it’s a very important place for Polish people. Publishing of online catalogue of the graves and guidebook, development of tourist trails on the cemetery and a series of events planned under the project will help to preserve this precious site of cultural heritage and will make a tourist product from it. The idea of the project is to reach people in an innovative way, by cultural and art events, such as theatre plays, art plein-air event, exhibition, festival with workshops but also concerts and storytelling. The events will be organized on both sides of the border and will engage participants from both partner countries. The exchange of people and ideas is also planned in the educational activities like seminar and study visits for people managing cultural heritage on both sides of the border. The main outputs will be improved heritage sites: Wigry National Park, especially educational path “The Forest” showing the cultural heritage of the Park and the old cemetery in Grodno. Moreover the project will result in the raise of awareness of local people about historic and also natural heritage of the place they live. The final beneficiaries will be local inhabitants of Suwałki and Grodno regions, tourists visiting the area and people managing the cultural heritage in both countries.