CHALLENGE: The CBSR is a leading region in Europe in respect of innovation and technology. However, its human and financial resources are very limited compared to those now being mobilized in Asia. Long term sustainability of the CBS knowledge-based society depends on how well the Region can adjust to the new emerging world economic order. This adjustment process requires regional planners achieve new competences, skills and planning tools to be able to network with Asian actors and thus benefit from Asian capital, Asian knowledge experts etc., and, to avoid possibly adverse affects of Asian development projects in the CBSR. APPROACH: The BASAAR -project will collect local, regional and cross-border benchmark data; seek feedback from developers and immigrants and based on this input build joint scenarios for the CBSR in order to identify long term opportunities and pitfalls. Finally the project will formulate a set of common actions for the CBSR to manage the impact of globalisation. RESULTS: Regional strategic and land use planners will create a methodology within cross-border cooperation in a field where competition for Asian resources threatens to further fragment the region. The project will create long-term scenarios of how globalisation may affect the CBS Knowledge Society; create a joint monitoring and assessment platform; establish a learning and consultation process for projects with cross-border impact as well as create guidelines for local and Asian developers and provide input the Nordic Globalisation Forum and similar political processes. Sharing knowledge about the impact of globalisation on the CBSR is a necessary basis for cross-border actions. PUBLICITY: Using an open wikisite the project will request feedback from the general public regarding increasing Asian presence in the CBSR. The project will end with a Globalisation Conference for the general public. The media will be invited to key events during the project. PARTNERSHIP LOGIC: Geographic focus: The partners are neighbours with deep economic and cultural interdependence. Stockholm and Helsinki are leading knowledge & innovation regions in Europe and therefore of considerable interest to Asian developers. All partners have contacts with Asian developers currently. Experience: The project partners have earlier participated in two successful Baltic Palette projects with Interreg funding. They therefore have the project management experience needed.