The project strategy core is to be developed innovative Tourist Software Application /TSA/as a new integrated tourist product directed to all key elements of common tourist potential, including facilities, tourist attractions, existing tourist products etc. of 6 districts located on CBC RO-BG territory as follows: Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Vidin, Vratsa and Montana. Additionally, the project designs the development of a new integrated tourist service named Interactive Direct Presentation of Existing Tourist Attractions and Services in Settlements on the Territory of above-mentioned districts implemented by acting Travelling Tourist Centers /Acronym/. The territory of the numbered districts has more than 1/3 part of the entire RO-BG CBC territory which is eligible area under Interreg V-A RO-BG Programe. The development of both new integrated tourist product and service is a first step towards promotion of common tourist potential and existing integrated tourist services/destinations in a totally innovative way by a click distance – firstly see under TSA and interactive presentation on-site and secondly go to. The reason to propose TSA and Travelling Tourist Centers /TTC/ development is based on the statistic data /2014/ indicating that only 2.3% of all overnights /21698391 totally in BG/ and only 0.4% of these spent by foreigners /14077798 totally in BG/ are located in BG North-West and only 7,58% of all overnights /20280041 totally in RO/ and only 0,42% of these spent by foreigners /3768104 totally in RO/ are located in RO South-West, while the territory of both regions is approximately 17% /in BG/ and 13% /in RO/. Among overnights spent by foreigners in all districts of BG North-West /56308 totally/ Montana has only 4909 , Vidin -10390, Vratsa-11 860, Lovech-14 108, Pleven-15041. So Pleven and Lovech districts have over half of all overnights while they have approximately 40 % of the BG North West territory. And last but not least, from 9408821 foreigners visiting BG, the highest number of them are RO ones - 1439853 people. Among nights spent by foreigners in the districts of RO South-West /85327 totally/ Mehedinti has only 7908, Dolj – 41255, Olt – 13434 and from 8442000 foreigners visiting RO, the BG ones rank 3rd with 1209000 people, after Hungarians and Moldavians. On the other hand, there are exceptional natural attractions, cultural events, and great places of accommodation, different stars-type hotels, guest houses, wonderful fraternal relationships, and hospitable local people in both cross-border regions. On the local level - among local population, all numbered is popular while out of community there is no strong promotional policy directed to the least visited by foreigners BG and RO CBC regions. Under the above-mentioned statistic data we can conclude strongly that the existing tourist potential of Mehidinti, Olt, Dolj /RO/, Montana, Vratsa and Vidin /BG/ districts is not fully harnessed for the benefit of the local economy. All stakeholders – on local, regional and state levels, have interest to be encouraged benefiting of common tourist potential of BG North West and RO South-West. Regarding to all numbered the project identified four different types of needs, obstacles and weaknesses as follows: the smallest numbers of overnights comparing on the national level on the territories of the districts numbered for both spent by local population and foreigners; the lack of systemized and generalized information of the common tourist potential of the numbered districts; the lack of popularity and knowledge among local population about the tourist potential in the other side of the border and the lack of fast, correct and easy way to have information about the common tourist potential of the numbered six districts from anywhere in the world. In the 21st age, the innovative technologies are aimed precisely at the utilization of all potentials – with least funds, least time, least loss, and least engagements. They strongly benefit the national and local economics. The development and promotion on CBC territory of TSA as an integrated innovative tourist product promoting common tourist potential and the Travelling Tourist Centers as an integrated innovative tourist service presenting the existing tourist destinations/services is intended as a coherent and effective response to the needs, obstacles and weaknesses identified in the numbered districts and aims to be the engine of their CBC socio-economic sustainable development. Both they will combine the most important information in the context of common tourist potential. The project proposes at one overall and three specific objectives /PSO/ to promote more sustainable use of Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Vidin, Vratsa and Montana districts’ natural heritage and resources and cultural heritage. The overall objective of the project is to bring together the people, communities and economies of the region of Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Vidin, Vratsa and Montana districts to participate in the joint development of common tourist potential, using its human, natural and environmental resources and advantages in a sustainable way. PSO1 is to be developed and promoted a new CBC innovative integrated tourist product named Tourist Software Application which covers the key elements of the entire tourist potential on the territory of Mehedinti, Olt, Dolj, Montana, Vratsa and Vidin districts; PSO2 is to be developed and promoted a new CBC innovative integrated tourist service named Interactive Direct Presentation of Existing Tourist Attractions and Services in Settlements on the Territory of Dolj, Olt, Mehedinti, Vidin, Vratsa and Montana districts implemented by acting Travelling Tourist Centers /Acronym/. PSO3 is to be promoted the common potential of Mehedinti, Olt, Dolj, Montana, Vratsa and Vidin districts for a better tourist stream. The PSO3 will be reached by elaboration and uploading on TSA of forty /40/ short movies in ENG-BG and ENG-RO directed to promotion of 40 tourist attractions of common CBC region, elaboration and broadcasting a promotional film, radio adds, promotional materials, interactive on-site promotion among the entire region of Mehedinti, Olt, Dolj, Montana, Vratsa and Vidin districts etc. The project will contribute to the Programme outputs under Program Priority Axis 2, Specific Objective 2.1 as follows: a new sustainable integrated tourist software product and a new sustainable integrated tourist service developed and pointed to bringing together the people to use innovative technologies to get acquainted with the tourist potential of the numbered districts and being interested and attracted to visit CBC region on the other site of the border. The project will contribute to the Programme results under Program Priority Axis 2, Specific Objective 2.1 as follows: increasing the number of tourists overnights in the CBC region with 880 ones. The indicative project budget is 499 950 EUR.