- There is an urgent need to strengthen the protection of Ukrainian-Polish border by modern equipment of surveillance and response to attempts of illegally crossing the border due to the increasing attempts of illegal migration to EU countries, intensification of threats at the common state border, changing tactics of offenders and criminals by using of modern technical means; - The overall objective of the project is to create a modern system of information exchange, improving the efficiency of interaction between the border agencies of Ukraine and Poland, ensuring a reliable border protection, timely response to threats, combating illegal migration, movement across the border means of terror, weapons and drugs and smuggling of tobacco products; - Overall objective implementation in its turn will facilitate legalization of small enterprises business activities and foster legal cross-border trade through the BCPs. - Implementation of effective monitoring of the state border will provide the Border Protection Units with a timely information about attempts of illegal movement of people and goods across the border, which in turn will provide the possibility of rapid response for counteracting cross-border crime.