Buildings are responsible for 36% of global final energy consumption and nearly 40% of total direct and indirect CO2 emissions. In such a challenging situation, renovating and making Mediterranean buildings smarter is of utmost importance to reduce the carbon footprint of our homes. BEEP project aims at strengthening the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) - a process supported by various tools and technologies involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of places - to enhance energy efficiency in buildings. The testing of this emerging technology on built heritage will be performed to demonstrate its scalability to the entire building stock. The project will provide public administrations with a powerful method for the energy rehabilitation of public buildings to be supported with private funds through the Energy Performance Contracting. The project main outcome will be an innovative methodology based on the integration of emerging technologies tested on heritage public buildings. The results will streamline the sustainable rehabilitation process and start a virtuous circle where the money saved by public administrations in managing public assets will be used to multiply the interventions on the existing building stock.