Present project aims at overcoming of some of the negative tendencies, at increase of the economic growth and sustainable development of the regions through applying of environmental friendly agriculture, organic beekeeping and good beekeeping practices. The beekeeping exhibition, both study visits for exchange of best and innovative beekeeping practices, promotion and school campaigns will keep exchange of experience, ideas and good practices between Bulgarian and Serbian experts and will support the sustainable development and wise use of the regional resources. Public awareness campaign contributes to increase the environmental friendly behaviour of the society on a long-term base, in particular by environmental school campaign and work with the children. The project develops and builds up the results of the previous actions by presenting of new innovative beekeeping approaches and best beekeeping practices during the practical study visits implemented on both sides of the border. Practical visits of certified bee farms or such in process of certification, or applying good beekeeping practices will be organised, thus sharing practical know-how and innovative approaches in beekeeping. Theoretical part of the study visits will complete the acquired knowledge by giving latest tendencies and presenting modern technologies in beekeeping. Beekeeping exhibition will contribute to cross-border cooperation and movement of people and goods between neighbouring countries and presenting possibilities for beekeeping and organic beekeeping. Beekeepers and producers of beekeeping inventory not only from Vidin and Kladovo are interested in the project activities. During the project development, beekeepers from Bor and Vidin districts were interested and are ready to participate in the project activities. The initiative is supported by the local authorities, local, regional and national beekeeping unions in the target countries, which guarantees the success of the proposed initiative.