Project strategy is aimed to Building an Effective System of Training (BEST) through development of joint Training for preparation and implementation IPA CBC BG SR projects. The Project BEST enables the target groups to gain necessary knowledge and skills in IPA implementation procedures and Project Cycle Management through work and learning and to raise the level of public awareness of the significance of the IPA CBC BG SR, the process of preparation and implementation of project and establishing of the cross-border partnerships in the Districts Pcinja and Pernik. The assistance will be provided through capacity building, information provision, training and ad hoc support.The envisaged Training Needs Assessment of the current situation in both districts will set the backbone for the trainings to be carried out, which will generally be oriented towards: IPA programming. IPA Implementation structure. IPA Project development & appraisal. PRAG and Secondary Procurement / EC Tendering & Contracting Procedures and EU Requirements for Financial Management and Monitoring and evaluation. Through organisation of joint seminars and conferences new partnerships and closer relations will be created among institutions in the Districts Pcinja and Pernik, which will result in the IPA CBC BG SR projects. Moreover, seminars will be organised in order to establish cross-border cooperation network, which will contribute for exchange of good practices and expertise for effective absorption of the IPA CBC funds. E-Newsletter on IPA CBC BG SR and Guidelines for Project development and implementation under IPA CBC BG SR will be a useful instrument for development of the projects in the organisations and institutions in the CBC area. All the project activities are closely related to the target groups which are involved in the implementation of the project activities. They will generate instruments and support to the target groups for the future economic development of the local community