Strategies to use renewable energies, such as biofuels, as an alternative to conventional energy sources are not only an opportunity to improve the environment. They can also support the social and economic development of rural areas. The BETTER project addresses these aspects and aims at promoting renewable energies with a focus on biofuel chain integration in rural regions. It includes a new concept for a spatial development system, which integrates the production of alternative energy sources and the need for social and economic cohesion in rural areas. The trans-sectoral approach of the project addresses a wide range of topics and brings together policies on energy, the environment and rural areas, aiming at stimulating the introduction or improvement of biofuel chains from the producer to the consumer. In the partner regions from Italy, Poland, Greece, Hungary and Bulgaria the stage of development for biofuel chains is very distinct. By stimulating knowledge exchange and through co-operation projects the overall competitiveness and territorial integration should be enhanced. Target groups of the project are local administrations, farmers' organisations, universities and research institutes, private and public investment operators, energy producers and managing authorities.