The main objective of the BFA project is to increase the activity of skilled labor in the blue economy sectors of the SBA thanks to possibility to acquire professional qualifications and gain the employment stability of young and disabled people in the following professions: sailing, windsurfind, kitesurfing instructors for the disabled Thanks to the project and cooperation between the partners (joint cross-border activities), the goals will be achieved by: PPs form PL, DE and LT including disabled associations. Cross-border activities in the project (incl. engaging the disabled from PP4 and AP's) will cause the synergy effect and will let solving the region's common problem - low level of the activity in the labour market among young and disabled people. The project institutes the realization of the specific objectives reflected in the main results of the project, that are described in the 'Intervention logic' section. The project’s innovative solutions: Product innovation - preparing the training programmes for water sports instructors for the disabled, based on currently available and knowledge earned in the project Process innov. - using eLearning training platform created in the project to train sailing and wind/kite -surfing trainers, The eLearning training platform ensure unlimited access for disabled users to the knowledge that will let them prepare for the training. The project provides also a marketing innovation through its innovative approach The target groups: disabled associations, water sports clubs & schools, teaching subjects for water sports instructors & water sports instructors, disabled people, young people The main results of the project will directly contribute to the changes arising from the solution’s innovation and its added value, resulting from cross-border cooperation The situation on the labor market of the disabled will be improved, using the potential of the region and cooperation between the partners who solve their problem.