Fitting conservation priorities with the regional development policies while paying special attention to the ERDF funds available is a critical challenge to fulfil biodiversity conservation strategies at European and regional levels. However, development of conservation priorities requires the adequate availability of consistent, relevant and structured biodiversity information aimed at feeding and eventually guiding decision-making. BID-REX aims to enhance natural value through improved regional development policies by creating/reinforcing the link between relevant biodiversity data and conservation decision-making processes. More specifically, it aims to promote the establishment of priorities in budget allocation and monitoring the impact of the actions funded by ERDF in different regions, by feeding decision-making processes with appropriate biodiversity information. The main expected outcome will be better prioritization of biodiversity conservation efforts using evidence-based methods and available biodiversity and environmental information. Complementarily, the project will promote and improve regional sectorial forums involving key stakeholders (decision makers, NGO, practitioners, researchers, etc.) around the need to integrate relevant biodiversity data to properly inform the regional authorities. The learning process designed will set up a guide on how to obtain and use the biodiversity data for increasing the impact of the funds allocation to preserve the European natural heritage. The guide will be built around lessons learnt froma a series of thematic workshops, and from exchanges on partners' experiences of the implementation of their regional action plans. As result of this interregional exchange, partners’ members and stakeholders involved will improve their skills related to biodiversity information management. In addition, the European citizens will benefit from the improved ERDF funds allocation for the preservation of their natural heritage.