The project region (Vienna, the border region – Slovakia, Lower Austria, and Burgenland) is characterized by linguistic and cultural diversity, This is why multilingual education, the mutual acquisition of neighboring languages ​​and intercultural knowledge are of particular importance. The development of these skills from early childhood gives adolescents the opportunity to make better use of the educational, work and life potential of the region in the future. The main objective is to improve the quality of pedagogical work in the context of multilingual education through the development and testing of new learning methodologies and materials for schools and kindergardens whose central feature are mutually connected cross-border contents and a joint draft of concept for further training of the pedagogical staff. A joint cross-border educational program will be developed in cooperation with institutions for the continuing language training under the aspect of experiential education with a special focus on the transition from kindergarten to school and the promotion of social and communicative skills. The integrated language education promotion in the institutions shall be anchored in the long term through further targeted education of pedagogical staff and the implementation of teaching/educational concept into the pedagogical practice. In addition, targeted cross-border activities with children, adolescents and educators promote intercultural exchange. The involvement of the authorities, parents, and pedagogical staff should ensure the lasting success of the project. Practically verified educational program for consistent language education and experiential education, which can and should be used throughout the program area and beyond, is the final result of the project. The new innovative methods and materials will be installed in order to ensure the sustainable access to methodology and all other materials.