Nowadays timber buildings are present worldwide, because the use of sustainable materials is encouraged both from governments and from public opinion. Furthermore, the huge flood and storms happened in November 2018 in Veneto region broke down thousands of trees, urging to remove them from damaged territories and possibly to rapidly use them. Thus a chance is to increase the number of timber multi-story buildings within the project region, but there is still a huge need for gaining the trust of construction companies, local governments and the general public as well as to spread the information concerning the possibility of timber multi-storey construction. Therefore, a much stronger cooperation is necessary with regard to R&D, education, knowledge transfer and best practice issues. The creation of awareness and reduction of prejudices and barriers for highvolume wooden constructions are main challenges. Therefor BIGWOOD will set up a cross-regional network to increase wood usage for highvolume projects. BIGWOOD will build up an environment for testing, validation and education/training. One main goal is the realisation of 3 different “demonstrators”: two small-and medium-sized mockups (1:5, 1:20) and an 1:1 mockup in Bozen at the NOI techpark which can also be used within the involved schools. Agreed quality standards needs to be defined and important planning issues regarding building with wood communicated.