General project purpose is to promote the tourism development in cross border, to reform the tourism conditions and to develop a net of the bike-walk path in Lithuania and Poland. Direct project purposes are to build the bike-walk path in Alytus near the river Nemunas according to the prepared technical documentation, to prepare technical documentation for a beach with the bike-walk path in Suwalki city according to the prepared technical documentation. The activities of the project are the technical expertise of the project, the building of the bike-walk path, the technical supervision of the building, the supervision of the performance of the project, the preparation of the technical documentation for the beach with the bike-walk path in Suwalki, the announcement, the audit and the control of the project. The results of the project are the bike-walk path approximately 6 km long in Alytus and the technical documentation for the beach with the bike-walk path in Suwalki city in Poland. The technical documentation of the bike-walk path is prepared and financed from PHARE 2002 ESS project. Hereafter, the bike-walk path in Alytus will be jointed with the international bicycle path.