BIOHERITAGE aims at protecting autochthonous breeds and turn them into the main characters of the Protected natural areas. For this purpose, the project develops new ways to manage natural areas to combine uses and new sustainable exploitations (such as recuperating the migrations to make the most of the grasses in a more balanced way and to generate tourism attractiveness); promoting the commercial viability of the autochthonous breeds products by creating gourmet products and specific offer in the park’s restaurants (this measure will help to ensure an efficient and sustainable use of the natural resources, to create employment and to promote entrepreneurship among the youngsters and to reduce the depopulation); developing the tourism around the autochthonous breeds and their use (the parks will propose new ways to visit them – going with the livestock for instance). BIOHERITAGE provides parks management and use tools, tourism and promotion strategies for the parks autochthonous livestock, protocols to create premium products and food/textile/tourism products prototypes of success.