Development of Bio-Economics based on organic agriculture is a strategic means of achieving sustained development. Having seen the problems associated with the CAP in the territories of all the partners (marked decrease in cultivated farming land, older and less qualified farming labour, reduced income for farmers forced to leave the countryside, especially young people), a study is being carried out to establish a common strategy to reverse this situation by promoting a sustained, environmentally friendly economy, maintaining rural territories while increasing quality of life for local populations. Overall objective / Objectif général By sharing experience and know-how among all the partners and giving priority to information systems, the aim is to develop Organic Agriculture as a form of alternative, sustainable development, with positive effects for many sectors: employment, the environment, planning, food, agricultural development, marketing transport etc. Expected results / Résultats attendus • Holding back the departure from the countryside by creating alternatives for economic development. • Greater awareness of the need for changing habits regarding sustained food production and consumption. • Encouraging young people to take up agricultural activities. • Increasing cultivated agricultural land. • Increasing farm productivity. • New distribution channels. • Development of product marketing. • Creation of habits for using new information technologies. • Production without chemicals to obtain healthier produce. • Contribution to environmental improvements. In brief, this project aims to achieve harmonious globalisation of Bio-Economics (a new relationship with the land, with people and with the market), in pursuit of the general aim of building a better world.