Sokolka and situated at a distance of approx. 40km Grodno are connected by geographical location, common cultural, historical heritage, and a forgotten friend of King Stanislaw August Poniatowski, Antoni Tyzenhaus. Since 1765 Antoni Tyzenhaus had been managing the economy of Grodno – the region to which Sokolka also belonged. Polish-Belarusian borderland is an ideal area to create joint cross-border infrastructure and establish cooperation, local network system between authorities on the both sides of the border to promote and protect common heritage, popularize the potential of the Polish-Belarusian borderland based on the idea of sustainable tourism. Sokolka and Grodno area are located in the common physical and geographical macroregion of the North Lowland Plain. This area, thanks to its landform, is favorable to recreation, regeneration of physical and mental forces (varied landscape, clean air, low urbanization, conditions for active recreation). Tourists also appreciate values such as culture, architecture, construction, cultural events, etc. Sokolka and Grodno have been multinational, multi-cultural and multi-religious for centuries. We will find many common in rites, customs, legends, names of villages. On the trails tourists will find churches, orthodox churches, mosques, Muslim cemetery (socalled mizar) and small wayside shrines.