Sustainable management of water and rivers requires cooperation that transcends administrative, cultural and geographical divisions. A network of partners in different European countries has been established, starting with an association of local groups in the Aquitaine region of France, with the aim of developing cooperation. Through this project, the aim is now to achieve trans-national cooperation (travel costs, seminars, etc.). It is difficult for local elected representatives to achieve trans-national cooperation (due to questions of travel, time, lack of information, languages, etc.) so videoconferences will be used to resolve certain difficulties. Overall objective / Objectif général • Environmental protection and an economic, cultural and social approach to water and its heritage. • Adaptation of land planning to include water management. • Participation by citizens in the construction of Europe, through trans-national cooperation in a bottom-up approach. Development of the UtdR network should lead to the sharing of experience and good practices and joint action with regard to European policy. Expected results / Résultats attendus • Creation of a study group on water in order to provide scientific support and a training structure for politicians and specialists. • Inventory of practices and actions taken in the participating regions (water resources and river landscapes). • Meetings between local politicians and specialists in the framework of trans-national cooperation to encourage exchanges and raise awareness. • Dissemination of know-how and training. In the long term: • Development of trans-national cooperation between local and regional European political leaders to establish common policies and technical management of this network. • Analysis of shared problems and projects so that joint actions can be taken through other Community programmes. • Development of a policy for trans-national communication in the framework of cooperation.