Medicinal Molecular Biology is a relatively new discipline which focuses on the diagnosis and study of diseases through the analysis of biomolecules, mainly nucleic acids and proteins. In well developed regions of the EU, Molecular Diagnostic services are typically provided. However, molecular diagnostics are still in their infancy in Southern Bulgaria. In Thrace the scientific know-how is available but, in order to become as broadly as possible accessible to the public, it has to be disseminated outside the academic community, to local health professionals. The present proposal addresses three major problems: a) the limited access of citizens living in the cross-border area to molecular diagnostic services. b) the limited awareness of the public regarding the efficacy of Molecular Diagnostics for the diagnosis and prevention of various severe diseases. c) the almost complete isolation between the scientific communities of health professionals from both countries. The main objectives of BIOMED-CBC are:- To drastically improve the access of citizens living in the intervention area to molecular diagnostics.,- To increase public awareness on the efficacy of Molecular Diagnostics for the diagnosis and prevention of various severe disorders., - To bring together for several days and to train, Greek and Bulgarian health professionals interested in expanding their scientific qualifications by getting training