BIOMASS is a municipal solid wastes (MSW) source separation scheme, specifically designed for the hospitality sector and small / decentralized communities, aiming mostly in BIOWASTES (food and green wastes). The main tools that utilizes in order to achieve a high quality separation,is the correlation of municipal taxes with the amount of wastes produced and managed, as well as,on site treatment of the BIOWASTESs. The pay as you through (PAYT) system uses specially designed weighing equipment in the wastes collection trucks and bins with recognition chips. It allows the direct correlation of each producer of the wastes, with the amounts that produces, irrelevant if these are recyclable (glass, paper, plastic, metals) or mixed wastes, and through that the respective charging is allowed. As far as the organic wastes these are collected separately and introduced in an automated composting unit (ACU) and composted on site, reducing the collection and transportation cost, the central unit treatment cost (if such a unit exists) and allowing the production of a high quality usable product. Both PAYT and ACUs are considered as state of the art process, in the wastes’ management sector, incorporating innovative technologies. The need from all the above originates from the legal requirements of the European environmental legislation and specifically the Wastes Framework Directive (98/2008). Especially regarding organic wastes (BIOWASTESs), the target that the directive sets for 2020 is that of separate collection of 10 % of the organic wastes produced in each municipality. For Greece this target was further increased at 40 % of organic wastes, through the new National Plan for Solid Wastes Management (NPSWM).For the touristic municipalities more than 50 % of the MSWare produced in such hospitality units. A source separation scheme focusing in exactly these facilities, could help achieve part or all of the required targets, with far less resources and effort,than if implementing a relevant scheme for the general public. As all source separation schemes, BIOWASTES is more or less a social interventions, relying in the acceptability and participation of the people involved, irrelevant if they are citizens or professional. As such, any pilot activity and implementation, have some transferability importance only in areas where there are significant social, economic and administrative similarities, with that of the test pilot. Irrelevant how successful the test would be, if the next area is different, then everything must start from the beginning. As a result, an effort that is realized in the same time in various different areas, with significant differences in social, economic and administrative characteristics, then is obvious that this effort will have far better efficiency results, than any effort conducted independently in the same areas, and at the same time will provide far more important data and experiences for achieving further transferability.