Blockchain is a key enabling technology that will underpin efforts to deliver innovative services under the Digital Agenda for Europe. Blockchain promotes user trust by making it possible to build systems that share information and record transactions in a verifiable, secure and permanent way. Based on a ‘distributed ledger’, blocks of information are chained together with cryptography to produce a system that stores, manages and verifies information.Blockchain-enabled systems will allow governments to deliver a range of new solutions and service designs that have the potential to redefine the relationship between governments, citizens and SMEs in terms of transparency, trust and data-sharing.BLockchain IN Government (BLING) builds upon the substantial investments by the EU, national governments, corporations, SMEs and wider networks to provide one of the first dedicated platforms to bring these tools and approaches into local and regional services. BLING provides a unique combination of public authorities, knowledge institutions and SMEs who will work to develop and deploy blockchain-enabled public services focusing on Identity, Direct Democracy, and Customer Services. BLING isn´t a tech project: it will use and explore/enable/deliver approach to accelerate the adoption and deployment of blockchain across the NSR in order to enable the creation and delivery of the next generation of smart services for citizens, governments and SMEs.