The Vision of the project is “ To grow entrepreneurship and SME reach beyond local markets by developing and marketing literary tourism products” . The project will thereby ensure the enhanced capacity of SMEs to act beyond local markets through increased awareness, enhanced visibility and changed attitudes towards the Literary Tourism sector as an economic driver within the region. The project will achieve this change through: The creation of 1 SME Literary Tourism focused support programme, ensuring project partners work together across transnational borders to develop new and innovative solutions which maximize place-based opportunities for SME growth. Within this programme 4 models for Literary Tourism will be developed and trialled facilitating knowledge transfer of economic development solutions, their practical application, and means by which to maximise their transformative economic impact, from one country to another. Engaging 40 SMEs with the project on a transnational basis, working collaboratively to engage with the Literary Tourism sector. 12 support workshops/sessions delivered to participating SMEs. 1 cluster of SMEs assembled to ensure complementarity of literary tourism products and services developed, shared learning and effective transnational marketing. A minimum of 20 new literary tourism focused products or services developed thereby ensuring changed market behaviour and integration of SME activity within the LT sector. Creation of a digital platform to capture and increase visibility of literary tourism products, services & sites, thereby ensuring the use of innovative ICT solu­tions, e-commerce and social media, to overcome distance to market. Creation of a Literary Tourism network engaging key stakeholders from across the NPA region thereby ensuring shared learning. 1 literary tourism methodology / best practice guide developed facilitating dissemination of good practice across national boundaries.