The MED area will include Blue Energy (BE) in maritime planning and governance, thanks to BLUE DEAL project. Given the early stage of BE technologies, proper information to deliver consistent strategies, plans and regulations in the BE sector are still missing; this often compromises public-private initiatives for exploiting marine renewable energy and discourages investments.Scope of BLUE DEAL is to overcome current technical and administrative restrictions for BE deployment and define proper requirements and procedures to support decisions and guarantee compliance with regulatory, environmental and social constraints. Based on outputs from the Interreg MED MAESTRALE and PELAGOS projects, BLUE DEAL foresights a series of transnational Labs to involve multi-sectorial stakeholders, perform participative planning processes and establish public-private alliances through open innovation actions. Project partners will share their interdisciplinary expertise, develop demonstrations in target regions and release feasible visions of prosperous and sustainable coastal development.For mainstreaming and capitalisation, BLUE DEAL will determine a policy oriented Joint Plan for portability, addressed to decision makers to introduce BE in regional and national strategies, and a market oriented Transfer Protocol, addressed to SMEs and investors to support business and entrepreneurship. Let’s make a BLUE DEAL!