The project’s goal is to reduce species loss. As part of the BLUEHLINGE project, large interactive junctions and smaller stepping stones in the form of flowering habitats for butterflies are being built in close cooperation with experienced strategic partners in cities and towns in AT and SK. The junctions are emerging as lighthouse projects in locations of Bisamberg, Vienna, Marchegg, Bratislava and Stupava. They attract the local population, tourists, pedestrians, train passengers and cyclists, and share general knowledge regarding biodiversity and concrete knowledge about model insect group we have chosen for this particular project – butterflies. A stepping stone is an island-like bridging element for butterflies, artificially created in cultivated landscapes, to promote gene flow between spatially separate populations in both countries. New studies show the importance of stepping stones is a much more important conservation measure than previously thought. Workshops also provide knowledge that can be used directly in your own garden or in the schoolyard by creating your own little stepping stones by the use of butterfly packages. This measure’s multiplier effect is thereby reinforced again. BLUEHLINGE is a combination of different elements of awareness-raising of optical, haptic and scientific elements with the character of civil science, all of which contribute to a behavioral change. The project focuses on the butterfly as a central indicator of biodiversity with a variety of communication strategies and the integration of different media channels. Thus, schools, cities, municipalities, citizens, gardeners and media partners in Slovakia and Austria work together on a solution in a cross-border project and, at the same time, form the basis for future projects on biodiversity.