BLUEfasma integrates and implements Circular Economy(CE) principles in the key blue growth sector of fishing/aquaculture to benefit MED insular/coastal areas in a novel/innovative way. Project team tackles the transnational challenge of continual depletion of natural resources and the below-EU-average MED CE innovation performance in fishing/aquaculture. Its overall objective is to empower innovation capacity of SMEs, maritime clusters/networks, PAs to boost blue CE growth in insular/coastal areas. CE prevents depletion of resources by closing energy & materials loops, leading to smart/sustainable growth as a key MED joint asset. Currently PAs/SMEs are cautious to embrace CE practices, which PAs perceive as cumbersome & SMEs as non-profitable. BLUEfasma approach will change current thinking on circularity by:-replicating effective CE work (eg in efficient use of waste & by-products), mainly from North-EU&MED projects-testing the upgraded circularity self-assessment tool in 11 participating MED territories and monitoring business readiness/willingness to invest in R&I -organising Blue Living Labs & targeted transferring activities -shifting policy towards CE-systematizing funding opportunities for blue CE innovation business investmentMain outputs: -BLUEfasma online platform-Blue Living Labs-BLUEfasma Capacity Building Instrument-Capitalization eventsThe outputs will increase innovation capacity and transnational activities among blue actors of Inter. MED Community.