Wave energy has a potential as a truly renewable, sustainable energy source in the Central Baltic region. The technology has been developed by the Uppsala University over the last decade, and it has been successfully tested for several years on the Swedish west coast. During the winter of 2009/20010 the tests were occasionally subject to icy conditions. However, no systematic design or test of the system in temporally icy conditions has been conducted. In order to qualify the technology for the Central Baltic region such systematic developments have to be performed. The objective of the proposed project is to conduct such a study including field experiments. The anticipated results of the project would be a modified design of the system, in particular the buoys, and an experimental verification that the wave energy system can be utilised under temporally icy conditions such as the Central Baltic region. The project is anticipated to create new technical solutions and may create new cross-border industrial opportunities in the region. The project will be divided into four work packages: WP1 Project management and coordination WP2 Technical analysis and solutions WP3 Field experiments WP4 Communications In WP2 the design and performance of the tested equipment will be handled. WP3 contains the actual collecting of data and will also target environmental questions. WP4 will focus on the communication of the of the project and results and also the daily attendance of the testsite. The work packages thus form a logical chain of activities .