CE has a high potential in deployment of local and regional energy systems based on renewable energy generation and energy conservation but it is important to trigger bottom up initiatives improving energy efficiency approach at these levels. Reasonable energy consumption are fundamental if the targets of the EU’s 2020 strategy are to be reached in CE area. Large attention is being paid to improve EE of existing buildings as they are accountable for large electric power consumption with an annual growth rate of ca 4%.  A rapid transition of urban areas towards EE and adaption to challenges created by climate change is highly required. It is one of the major challenges for public authorities to reduce energy in existing public buildings without significant construction works. Therefore, public authority need to be equipped with simple but useful tools and methodologies (stable, long-term strategies) for proper energy management to increase EE and renewable energy usage in public buildings. The main project objective is to improving the governance of EE in existing public buildings and ultimately reducing energy consumption in different CE areas, especially those less advanced in low carbon approach. Due to transnational cooperation a meaningful attempt to solve the common problem of EE of public buildings will be made. Furthermore project will help raise public awareness, about the environmental, economic, and other benefits of energy saving issues which will result reducing know-how disparities. For this purpose OnePlace platform to transfer the knowledge to other regions of Europe will be developed. With the development and implementation of the 3D Energy Management System and pilot actions, the project will show an innovative approach towards energy auditing of buildings  and in a mid-term horizon will contribute to value added. The outcomes of the project can be replicated in other areas of the EU.