Young people nowadays do not have sufficient quality and quantity of practical experience in management and social activities. There is a lack of management and leadership education enthusiasts whose good example and creative energy would encourage young people to seek active participation in various fields of activity. The low youth activity demands establishment of a youth leader school to encourage young people to get involved in social activities. As the youth are builders of the future society, this project is aimed at developing youth leader skills. The objective of the project is to further involvement of the youth as responsible citizens in social and democratic processes. Main activities of the project are development of methodology and training materials for the leader school, three multiday seminars and 14 workshops for 360 young people, and 20 public events on different significant topics organised by youth leaders. It is expected that after project implementation young people will be more active organising events, establishing new organizations or becoming members of existing youth organisations or other associations that take part in social processes of the region. The youth will acquire contemporary leader skills, including international teamwork experience, which is now demanded in the labour market.