The R&I fragmented innovation & cooperation landscape of CE strongly affect the cooperation mechanisms among innovation actors and weaken the transfer of discoveries and knowledge along the digital healthcare sector value chain. The digitalLIFE4CE project creates a CE area of excellence in the field of digital integrated healthcare systems solutions where flexible, solution oriented cooperation mechanisms can be rapidly activated and transferred to all its strategic actors. Thus availability of joint knowledge assets in the CE area in the field of integrated digital solutions will change: evidence of existing excellence cases, feasibility of effective linkages supported by robust long term oriented methodologies, active connected integrated digital healthcare excellence hotspots, related long term sustainability and related effects on the whole CE area will be guaranteed. Mapping & visualization Toolbox (OT1.1), related Strategies and Action Plans (OT1.2), Learning Toolbox (OT2.1) & Innovation Network Alliances (OT2.2), Hub of Digital Healthcare Excellence Spots (OT3.1) & transnational roadmap to support their cooperation (OT3.2), Strategic CE Task force (OT4.1) & a Capitalisation Agenda (OT4.2) will provide benefits to public & private actors of the digital integrated healthcare value chain. The innovative multi actor level & quadruple helix approach is based on: 1) capitalization (Healthcare Excellence Spots), 2) strategic connections (CE Digital Care Networks), 3) demonstration of cooperation & impact potential (Pilot & Demo Cases), 4) long term innovation schemes (Transnational Strategy & Roadmap). digitalLIFE4CE brings together 7 CE areas and the most appropriate mix of policy / R&D / implementation relevant actors which will allow to jointly tackle the complex challenges within the innovation landscape of integrated health systems overcoming the limitations of regional or national approaches.