zation of the diabetes treatment would mean remarkable savings in the healthcare budget. People suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes have to use large amounts of their energy, time and money in their lifetime to treat their illness. A mistreated disease can weaken a person’s health and quality of life in a severe way. It would be necessary to a patient to have different forms of treatment and best expertise easily available. Complications of diseases inflict suffering, loss of functionality and even premature death. There are strong expectations that different forms of eHealth services will provide answers to the treatment of diabetes and other diseases. However there have been challenges in the anchoring of the new working procedures to the daily working routines. Within parts of CB-area eHealth services have been adopted, but there is also lack of telemedicine solutions. Home care in general provides a more efficient patient flow and an increased level of quality both for patients and relatives. In order to intensify and modernize healthcare processes, eMedic developes and anchors new e-services for health care based on diverse modern technological applications and monitoring tools. Our goal is to increase the understanding of needs and requirements for such a solution using scientific methods in a pilot study including field studies, prototype implementation and evaluation. Our focus on beneficial effects of eHealth services, both for the patient and for the health care, is exemplified through target groups within diabetes and pediatric home care. New e-services will 1) increase the cost-efficiency of health care 2) increase the accessibility of the services 3) enable the multiprofessional working methods and the use of best, possible expertise 4) engourage and support self-treatment. The development of eHealth service model s supported by survey on technology and by training engaged personnel (WP2), pilot studies engineered in all countries (WP3): In Finland focus will be on video consultation linked to wound care, remote monitoring and developing an electronic application for self-treatment, in Latvia remote monitoring and implementing self-treatment application, in Estonia in intensifying the communication between doctor and patient with remote consultation and new applications in information exchange. Sweden will broaden the scope for pediatric care in order to show the applicable nature of e-services. Research of cost efficiency demonstrating the added value of e-services as well as the creation and implementation of new service model will be implemented (WP4). In addition various communication and dissemination activities (WP5) are essential in the implementation and anchoring of the new e-services.