The EMBRACE project aims at testing a model and related toolkit for the establishment of 2 transnational meta-clusters working on the principles of the circular economy. The project, capitalizing model and instruments, will propose to Clusters, SMEs and Innovation stakeholders a set of instruments able to strongly introduce the principle and practices of the Circular Economy in two leading sectors of the Med Economy: Wine and Agro-food. The establishment of national Nodes will assure the provision of awareness and training actions addressed to both economic actors (SMEs and clusters) and Public Administration (Regions, provinces) with the final goal to introduce feasible circular economy practices into the two selected Sectors. The National Clusters aligned to circular economy principles will then be grouped into 2 Meta-Clusters (1 for the Wine sector and 1 for the Agro-Food sector) at MED level to assure cooperation and exchange of knowledge even through the EMBRACE platform. To strengthen the impact of the circular economy, viable business models for SMEs in the field of eco-innovation, large projects and related financing schemes/instruments will be developed during the piloting phase and then disseminated during the transferring phase. The tested models and instruments will be, then, disseminated to other areas and sectors, with the purpose of spreading the benefit of Circular Economy and promoting its sustainability through the adoption of ad hoc financial instruments.