iBuy is a project designed to tackle a common challenge in all the involved territories: the need to foster and efficiently implement new generation innovation public procurement (IPP) programmes, co-funded by ESIF, linked to RIS3, and devoted to progress in the development of the public authorities acting from the demand side for innovation, base concept in the Europe 2020 strategy and the Innovation Union. The partners involved represent territories that are in early stages in the implementation of IPP programmes and they are facing common challenges, mostly based on their lack of experience as innovation demanders, that can be supported though interregional cooperation in order to generate synergies and common added value. Within this goal, iBuy aims at developing innovative models suitable to mobilise public and private stakeholders–beneficiaries and funding, enlarging the number and the quality of the outputs of the instruments and their policy impact, on the basis of the ‘entrepreneurial discovery process’ linked to the RIS3, in the area of innovation public procurement, while promoting a European perspective and ensuring the durability and transferability of the achieved results. The project will support the learning path of policy makers and main stakeholders to better implement their IPP programmes in an efficient and effective way. The main project outputs are: 7 complete analyses of policy instruments (including benchmarking and peer reviews), the setting-up of an online tool linked to the programme’s platform to support the exchange of information and promote the e-learning process, 35 meetings with stakeholders, 3 dissemination seminars, 8 internal workshops, 8 study visits linked to the project learning path, the continuous implication of the EU institution, and 7 final action plans (including monitoring systems) for the policy instruments’ improvement.