Scandinavian Islands is the name of a destination, spanning geographically from the Stockholm archipelago in the west over Åland Islands and Turku archipelago to the archipelago area of Länsi-Uusimaa. Scandinavian Islands is also a trademark, agreed upon and developed by the major tourism marketing organizations in Scandinavian Islands. The name Scandinavian Islands is based on a wide survey among people living and working in the area, reflecting positive images and the message of the trademark: “pure adventure, pure nature and pure quality”. In a world of increasing competition among tourist destinations the priority is to cooperate to be more competitive. Cooperation creates competitiveness and increases sales, giving companies possibility to focus on developing their core business. This leads to higher quality, increasing competitiveness yet more. This positive circle of development is the objective for the Branding Scandinavian Islands (BSI) project. A working organization (WP1) through which the owners of the trademark together develop the destination is the basis for cooperation. This working organization can manage the processes of destination development AND disseminate the results of the BSI project. The compound name of arenas for all stakeholders to meet up with development processes is called the “Scandinavian Islands Academy” (WP2). In sensible and vulnerable nature areas where tourism is to be developed within the limits of acceptable change “sustainability” must be a sales argument and the leading principle for Scandinavian Islands tourism products. Sustainable development is a consistent theme in the BSI project. The Internet offers a time- and money-saving working environment. Therefore developing the SI website into an efficient tool for the working organization as well as other stakeholders has been given its own workpackage (WP3). The website can be an active interface and environment for so many for so much. When talking about branding, you cannot ignore traditional ways of market communication. Tourism and the travel industry have their own, traditional arenas for meeting and channels for communicating (WP4). The objective with attending sales and marketing events is to develop a joint process for marketing Scandinavian Islands that can be used by any of the partners on any occasion, bringing added value to everyone. WP5 brings event marketing into the branding process. Based on experiences from earlier years, production of a film for free broadcasting with an interesting theme (a sailing event) in an odd environment (the archipelago) is an extremely cost efficient way to tell where and what Scandinavian Islands is. As a trademark Scandinavian Islands is on its way to grow into a brand. For this Scandinavian Islands offer an environment and a context. The branding process produces value for the trademark which eventually will turn Scandinavian Islands to a brand.