Ports in the Southern Mediterranean area are lagging behind in the challenge of promoting regional development, as well as secure interregional, cross-border and transnational cooperation. The main objective of the project iPORTS is the use of ICTs and telematics for ports in order to regain their competitive edge and become intelligent and secure development gateways by: • Developing a strategic plan for iPORTS deployment based on stakeholders requirements and priorities; • Implementing iPORTAll, a proof of concept pilot application; • Defining the exploitation and commercial value of iPORTS products. Over the centuries, ports have served as input/output points of passengers, visitors and freight, as well as information exchange and activity centers. Currently, ports, especially in small regional areas and islands, face severe operational problems and they only partially fulfill the first purpose, and most of them do not address the latter at all. This is clearly the case in cruise ship services, where the great traffic difference between the low tourist traffic in the Mediterranean and other tourist destinations such as the Caribbean, is attributed mainly to poor port operations. Additionally, contrary to airports in the subject area, ports usually lack standard infrastructure and services. Another important difference between seaports and airports is security. While most airports have successfully addressed this issue, seaports still have significant challenges in adhering to security codes and delivering the required security levels. ICT’s and Intelligent telematics systems can be used to address all these deficiencies. iPORTS aims at the overall enhancement of the competitiveness and development of the Southern Mediterranean regional ports by utilizing Intelligent Telematics Systems as a means to address the challenges faced by these ports to better serve their role as “Intelligent Secure and Efficient Gateways” for regional development and for promoting interregional, cross-border, and transnational cooperation. With participating partners bringing in the ports of Rodos, Catania, Lesvos, Chios, Syros, Malta and Beirut, iPORTS aims at identifying stakeholders’ attitudes and perceptions towards systems and security issues and provide guidelines on how ICTs may support addressing these and other problems in a cost-effective way. iPORTS will develop a telematics functional design and deployment road map that will support decision makers on their ICTs and Telematics strategic deployment and tactical planning. iPORTS will support the creation of a strong network of ports as communication hubs exchanging valuable information and innovation activities and strengthening the overall regional development. iPORTS will also address the application of international standards for the real time data exchange among ports and regions. The project will also identify the financial aspects as well as market penetration and commercial value of the iPORTS systems. To demonstrate a proof of the iPORTS concept, iPORTAll, a tourist and passengers’ information provision telematics pilot application, will be deployed at selected ports. The proposed iPORTS consortium has extensive experience in the technical and organizational aspects required for the project. Furthermore, the local and regional authorities participating as partners will be able to provide all the necessary support and interregional interaction necessary for the success of the project.