The project is a “spin-off” from the BSR InnoNet being one of four European inno nets in the European Cluster Alliance launched by DG Enterprise. The BSR InnoNet has the objectives to establish a shared conceptual framework for cluster policy formation in the Baltic Sea Region and to establish trans-national cluster focussed innovation programme(s). Partners and participants in the BSR InnoNet are national ministries responsible for innovation policy and national/regional innovation agencies of the Baltic Sea Region countries, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Nordic Innovation Centre. This project is based on the BSR InnoNet’s Task Force on Capacity Building, approved by the BSR InnoNet Steering Committee. The Task Force, a leading transnational team of experts in cluster formation and capacity building has proposed design and implementation of a number of training modules to the public actors in the Baltic Sea Region. BSR InnoNet has financed development of the Task Force’s plan. However, no budget is available to implement the activities. During two annual rounds of national consultations demands of capacity building activities have been clearly identified as documented in the BSR InnoNet report Mapping of National Cluster Policies and Programmes in the Baltic Sea Region. All ministries voice strong needs of training in cluster facilitation and management as well as training of civil servants in design and implementation of cluster support programmes. For more details, please look in the BSR InnoNet report. Project partners are the Triangle Region, Denmark (founding father of the Danish Cluster Academy), the Swedish governmental agency for innovation systems VINNOVA and the Latvian Investment and Development Agency, LIIA. Lithuanian Innovation Centre and West Pomeranian Regional Development Agency serves as subcontractors to LIIA. Objectives of the project are to design and pilots training modules on basic and advanced cluster facilitation and management and on design and implementation of public cluster support programmes. The target groups are public actors e.g. managers from cluster organisations, business support organisations and civil servants from local, regions and national level in the Baltic Sea Region. The project contains design and pilots of 2 modules on basic training to be implemented at regional or national level, 3 modules on advanced training to be implemented at trans-national level and 3 modules on public cluster support programmes to be implemented at trans-national level. The tested training modules will be merged into the coming trans-national cooperative strategic platform in the Baltic Sea Region. As well, the platform continues the BSR InnoNet’s activities from 2010. Development of the platform is an integrated part of the project’s sustainable dissemination.