The project overall objective is the popularization of religious songs as the cultural heritage of Poland and Ukraine. The religious Polish and Ukrainian songs originating from Christian background are barely known to the public in the mainstream media. These songs were the important part of everyday life and holidays in the history of both nations. The lasting overflow of mass media music heavily hinders the promotion of cultural and religious heritage especially to the younger audience. Both Beneficiaries plan to prepare and perform religious songs for their community during the project as the mutual cultural campaign. The project will be implemented by Polish leader - Roman Catholic Parish of Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of Poland in Jarosław and Ukrainian partner - Religious Community of Roman Catholic Church of Divine Mercy Parish in Shevchenkivskyi District of Lviv City. Both parishes lead their amateur choirs which activity focuses on preparation and performance of modern and historical religious songs. The overall objective will be met by running cultural campaign 'Religious songs for all seasons', providing regular musical classes and workshops with the trainer for the choirs, organizing 8 concerts (4 in Poland and 4 in Ukraine, which will be cultural events for at least 800 participants), organizing 2 popularization meetings and a recording, releasing and distributing the album with 16 chosen religious songs. As the result of these activities, both parishes will become cultural sites. The project will be beneficial for local citizens and their respective cities and societies along with tourists visiting these places. The cross-border approach is needed to remind and reconstitute the mutual Christian and cultural origins of both nations that were united as one country for ages. The project will also be a chance for partners to take part in the important international project for the first time and boost their cultural activities.