The operation “ÖKOPROFIT international - Private-Public-Partnership-Networks for a sustainable Development of Policies and Society” (ÖKOPROFIT International) focuses on the promotion of eco-efficiency in urban areas. Ökoprofit is a Private-Public Partnership Model (developed by the city of Graz, Austria) that aims to enhance eco-efficiency through the usage of innovative integrative technologies and close cooperation of businesses, communities, and know-how providers. The model promotes the creation of economic revenues through environmental measures and has so far been established in more than 50 European cities. Overall objective / Objectif général The overall objective of the operation is the exchange of experience and know-how between old and new Member States in order to further test and develop the Ökoprofit concept in Border Regions. For this purpose, the operation wants to establish an Ökoprofit network of partners from old and new member states to exchange know-how (e.g., through twinning) and to explore how Ökoprofit could help address existing environmental problems in the regions. Expected results / Résultats attendus Through the operation, the Ökoprofit concept will be further developed and tested within a network of partners, namely the participating cities Modena, Pécs, Czestochowa, Dresden, Maribor and Graz. Know-how about the Ökoprofit concept will be transferred, specific solutions to existing environmental problems will be elaborated and presented, and the competitiveness of participating regions will be enhanced.