Through the establishment of knowledge network oriented to ICT SMEs in Nis and Sofia regions the competitiveness of IT industry will be sensitively improved through the mutual using of the regional resources and raising the capacity of IT managers and workers on process improvement, project management and business management. ESI Center EE will introduce good cooperation practices as a way for access to better tools for quality improvement and skills for management of bigger projects.RPK Nis will share their experience in e-business and management of IT events, data base of IT companies and their products in the border region. The quality improvement of products and services will lead to better competitive assets and will give to IT SMEs new opportunities for appearance in international markets. The raised competitiveness and productivity growth will allow to IT SMEs to keep their employers and to create new employment. Creation of partnerships between SMEs from the border region will increase the access of IT SMEs to specific trainings; it will show them new ways and methodologies for improvement of quality of the products and will support the overcoming of the isolation in the border region. Developed telecommunications and direct transport infrastructure will facilitate the project implementation and the development of relations between target groups. Implementation of the trainings within the project will raise awareness and capacity among a maximum range of target groups and will present to SMEs new methodologies and instruments for process improvement. As a direct output from the project implementation the starting of minimum 3 projects for process improvement are expected. The project activities and expected results will cover all border region, all municipalities targeted from BULGARIA - SERBIA IPA CROSS-BORDER PROGRAMME. Thus better sustainability of the project results will be ensured and all region will benefit from this project.