The project involves the construction of cross-border mountain cycling routes linking the municipality of Zawoja with Oravska Polhora, leading through areas which are particularly rich in natural and cultural heritage values. Information boards will be installed along the trail, describing the natural and cultural heritage. They will refer to shepherding traditions in this area and promote bagpiping traditions. They will also refer to the old trails connecting both countries, which have once been very popular and now are nearly forgotten. The trails run past cultural heritage sites in Zawoja, next to the historic chapel from the 17th century and past the odine-bromine water spring, known since the middle ages, in Slaná voda in Slovakia. Moreover, it is where the oldest tourist trail starts, leading to the Babia Góra’s peak. In it one of the oldest tourist trails in the whole of Western Beskids. Also, the construction of an Integration and Recreation Centre for cyclists on both sides of the border is planned as part of the project, consisting of a backroom and a rest and recreation venue for tourists using cross-border cycle paths. On the Slovak side, an observation tower and a summerhouse near the Slaná voda spring will be constructed. The expected effects are as follows: Appreciation of the natural and cultural heritage of the borderland by the local population; Appreciation of the natural and cultural heritage of the borderland by the tourists from outside the area.