The BalBic project aim is to develop particularly industrial charcoal (biocoal) production and market and the sustainble use of bioenergy. The partnership consists of the universities and the forest research organisations from Finland and Latvia.The participate organisations are the key actors in they Regions. The project focuses on enhancing the market and economic development and competitiviness of the biocoal in the Baltic. The Work Packages of the project have been chosen the way which enable to achieve the objectives of the project and gives the answer for stratetig focuses; find out supply and demand and marketing possibilities of industrial biocoal production. The Work Packages are raw-material sources, marketing possibilities,biocoal industrial production,logistics system, network, training and cooperation.The Work Packages are linked together with systematically way and its supported by research, analyses, project personel meetings and work taskes in the project schedule. The project is originated by University of Helsinki. The starting situation is that the Baltic area is one of the most important focus in the EU's energy strategy. As to the research and development strategy of Baltic Region its important to develop biocoal market and business and give answer to the climate change mitigation and structure change. Charcoal is biofuel which energy value is the same or little better like a mineral coal. The Eu aims to achieve an ambitious 10 % share of biofuels of 2020. In near future many energy manufacturing will change mineral coal to bioenergy sources and the political motivation to support biofuels arrises. For producing the biocoal is needed general wiew of biocoal raw-material market and industrial produce. The most critical is raw-material availability and profitable and cost effective producement.