There is a general concern about the state and the future of the Baltic Sea. The most alarming issue is eutrophication, but also alien species, and oil and chemical freighting present serious threats to the region. Some political steps in national and EU-level to react to the challenge have been taken. In order to change the course joint actions and shared responsibility are needed. In addition to actions at the institutional level, also awareness raising and involvement of the general public is needed to bring forth everyday choices making a positive effect and to strengthen a common Baltic Sea identity. project develops and introduces innovative communication tools to foster information sharing and discussion about the Baltic Sea environment. The project aims to raise environmental awareness and involvement of the general public, to improve the dialogue between research and the public and to promote networking of educational institutes. The project establishes a common Baltic Sea web portal with focus on interactive and participatory elements, organises events, produces educational materials, and analyses environmental attitudes. The project consists of 4 workpackages: WP1) project management, WP2) innovative communication tools, WP3) materials and events and WP4) networking, research and follow-up. In the core of the project is the web portal where basic information and protection tips about the Baltic Sea are served. The novelty of the portal is in public involvement. Web-cameras, online environmental information, social media channels, discussion groups, and video-clips, observations and stories produced by the public create framework for joint discussion, information sharing, development of ideas and participation. Experts from different fields comment public discussions. Easy all-available methods to monitor the state of the sea will be developed and introduced to the public. Authorities and decision makers are informed about the new ideas emerged from the discussions. The project culminates in a series of events in the participating countries. As an output of the project a versatile, multifunctional and participatory web-forum and information sharing portal has been produced, channels for environmental observations of the general public has been developed, a series of events has been organised, and educational materials on the state and the future of the Baltic Sea has been produced. The project results in increased public involvement, new approaches and tools for environmental discussion and participation, better understanding on the possibilities of web-based approaches, and exchange of know-how and good practices between accompanying countries, institutions and actors. The project is carried out by partners from Finland, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia representing universities, research institutions and NGOs.