Unemployment of disabled is a very soar problem for peripheral areas of Latvia and Lithuania. Stereotypical treatment of disabled by the public, inefficient use of system for integrating disabled into the labour market, ignorance, employers' lack of tolerance towards people with disabilities, insufficient competitiveness of social enterprises employing disabled are the main problems leading to a large number of unemployed persons with disabilities.The project aims at creating integrated package of measures for helping people with disabilities integrate into the labour market and participate in social life by means of spreading information about the employment opportunities for disabled. It also aims to promote social enterprise start-up, growth and competitiveness for wider employment of disabled.Project partners will create a website with a data base where employers can search for employees. Call centre that will be crated shall promote the employment opportunities to persons with disabilities. It is also planned to issue a catalogue where good business practices on successful employment of people with disabilities will be presented. Project will promote public tolerance and awareness on issues faced by disabled. It will intensify cooperation between social partners, employers, disabled workers and authorities.