Present project aims at overcoming of some of the negative tendencies, at increase of the economic growth and sustainable development of the regions through applying of environmental friendly agriculture and biological beekeeping. Both beekeeping exhibitions, workshop for exchange of best and innovative beekeeping practices, development of data base of beekeepers in the target regions, promotion and school campaigns will initiate partnerships, exchange of experience, ideas and good practices between Bulgarian and Serbian experts and will support the sustainable development and wise use of the regional resources. Public awareness campaign contributes to increase the environmental friendly behaviour of the society on a long-term base, in particular by environmental school campaign and work with the children. The project develops and builds up the results of the previous actions by presenting of new innovative beekeeping approaches and best practices during the practical workshop on both sides of the border. Elaborated detailed data base of the beekeepers and its maintenance and update after the end of the project will give concrete and detailed information to all interested parties and will facilitate the contacts between the beekeepers from both countries. The Agreement for cooperation in beekeeping is an extension of already concluded Memoranda between Vidin’s and Negotin’s Beekeeping Unions by including new interested parties from other municipalities (Kladovo). Beekeepers from whole district of Bor and cross-border region are welcome to participate in the project activities in order to allow replication of the action on a broad basis. The official project partners – Bulgaria in Europe Association and Kladovo Municipality are supported by Negotin and Vidin Municipalities, by the Beekeeping Associations in Negotin and Vidin and by the National Beekeeping Unions in Bulgaria and Serbia, which shows the interest of all involved parties of implementation of the proposed initiative.