The current project aims at enhancing and spreading the knowledge of the historicalarchaeological heritage and reconstructing the ancient landscape in the territory located across the Italian-Slovenian border, and in particular in the area of the upper Natisone and Isonzo rivers. In this framework, the territory involved has a remarkable historicalarchaeological potential: suffice it to mention the important findings made at the beginning of the twentieth century (necropolises of S. Quirino and Dernazzacco, village of Most na Soči, hill settlement of Tonovcov Grad near Kobarid). From the caves to the castellieri and their necropolises, from the Roman border fortification to the walled sites of the early Middle Ages, the territory shows a long continuity of settlements; some archaeological sites offer wide opportunities of enhancement. The strategic importance of the area through the centuries is clearly shown by the continuity of the defence lines up to the First World War. After the drawing up of a common archaeological map, based on the systematic cataloguing of sites and finds and carried out with the same criteria on both territories, the project will implement a careful analysis of specific issues linked to the peculiar structure of the area involved. In particular, the technical features of the Roman road system are studied, together with the relations between routes and settlements. Identifying the ancient routes and the sites connected to them offers a significant contribution to the progress of knowledge and makes it possible to ouline thematic and educational tourist itineraries, in order to enhance and recover memories and traditions of the territory.