The transition to a sustainable. bio-based economy is one of the major challenges for Europe today. The present economy depends heavily on fossil and non-renewable resources. causing depletion of resources. increasing environmental pressures and climate change. This model can not be sustained in the long run. In the bio-based economy. biomass replaces non-renewable resources for the production of materials (e.g. plastics). products (e.g. paints). fuels and energy The transition to the bio-based economy combines necessity with tremendous opportunity for sustainable growth and competitiveness in new economic sectors based on the development of innovative. renewable materials and products. The overall aim of Bio Base NWE is to support the development of NWE as a leading European region in the bio-based economy by facilitating innovation and business development by small and medium sized enterprises in NWE and improving professional training and education for the bio-based. economy. We will establish a transnational support structure to boost innovation and business development in bio-based enterprises in NWE. We will deliver support to bio-based SMEs on innovation management. business development and bio-based technology and set up matchmaking activities to enable transnational business cooperation for bio-based SMEs across NWE. SMEs will get the opportunity to tap into the advanced expertise and technical facilities of the partnership. as we will perform feasibility analyses of promising innovative bio-based technologies. Together with SMEs we will identify their needs regarding pilot facilities to develop bio-based technologies into marketable products and make selected investments in such equipment to maximise the innovation potential of the bio-based SMEs in NWE. Finally we will develop and deliver programmes and tools for professional training to contribute to an increased availability of skilled workers for the bio-based industry in NWE.